Types of system

External Cameras


Cameras can be wired or wireless and can even be solar powered.  From single domestic camera setup to full many multi-cameras commercial installations, we have systems to suit all budgets and situations. We offer ongoing care and guarantee all our work to give you piece of mind

Monitor locally or remotely we have the know how


Provide security and confidence for loved ones at home, pets, visitors or staff. We have all the expertise to fit the cameras, setup the software and show you how to access them remotely.


Cameras can be visible (to act as a deterrent) or concealed. Captured images can be stored locally but accessed securely from anywhere. Remote control options also allow you to zoom, pan and focus on particular subjects from wherever you are.

If you want privacy


Everybody is rightly worried about image security - we implement robust security measures to prevent intrusion onto your system.  These might include configuring your internet security to prevent external access to the images altogether or allowing access to specific devices or users only.